Work With Me
I provide a nonjudgmental, warm, healing space in which to explore your experiences, thoughts and feelings—even the most painful ones—safely. Together, we will identify your personal strengths and examine any roadblocks or self-defeating behaviors you may be struggling to manage. We will examine where you've come from in order to understand where you are today. The insight you gain from our work will help you focus on the brighter future you want for yourself and how to get there.
I work actively with you in sessions, addressing any issues that feel weighty or significant to you. My experience is that often people come to therapy seeking feedback. While silence can be important in sitting with, reflecting on, and honoring significant feelings, dynamic interaction between us is equally important. I often recommend books, and sometimes suggest homework when I feel it is appropriate to what we are working on. l have good success in working with a variety of concerns including:
relationship and intimacy issues
feelings of shame and low self-worth
anxiety and depression
difficulties with impulse control
I have experience helping with a variety of life transitions such as:
break-up or trouble with a relationship or marriage
adjustment to life after college or graduate school
adjustment to becoming a parent
dealing with the death of a loved one
I have specialized interest, training and expertise in working with:
LGBT concerns.
Trauma Disorders.
Should you invite me, l will use my skills and training to help you spotlight questions or themes of importance to you.